A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Christian Discussion on the Canadian Media Landscape

A Christian Discussion on the Canadian Media Landscape

"If you read the Psalms kind of from beginning to end, it is staggering, and then read them alongside the Proverbs, the wisdom literature, how often the tongue, the mouth, speech is mentioned..."

What is the role of the media in the Christian life? In this episode of A Biblical Frame, we continue our discussion with some Canadian journalists and discuss the relationship between the Christian life, media, and democracy.

Join us for this discussion



Ivan De Silva, MDiv, ThM, Instructor in Religious Studies, Trinity Western University, Pacific Life Bible College

Jens Zimmermann, PhD, JI Packer Chair of Theology, Regent College

Lee Harding, Freelance journalist, contributes to Western Standard & Epoch Times. Research Fellow for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

Jeff Sandes, A freelance contributor to The Epoch Times based in the Vancouver area


Curtis Meliefste, MDiv Student, Calvin Theological Seminary

A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
Welcome to A Biblical Frame. This is a spontaneous project that arose from a group of pastors and theologians who recognized the great need for theological direction for Christ’s church in Canada.
Canada has faced totalitarian restrictions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. While there may have been a time to acquiesce to the provincial health officers, that time is coming to an end and the church needs help.