I still don't know how to respond (succinctly) to Pastors and faith leaders that say, my job is to teach the gospel and to submit to God appointed authorities, not politics. Or how to respond when they say, i am not a doctor or a scientist so as a church we respect and submit to government mandates.

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I wonder how much $ governments gave to churches after locking them down. I remember vaguely hearing $ was offered to churches

make up for losses due to the lockdowns and limits on capacity

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Dr. Hoffe is quite an amazing man. I learned much from listening to him speak over these 2 episodes. I chose to profile him and link to this post in the Homegrown Heroes section of this new publication. https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-week-2-april-1-2024-vol-1-issue

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