A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
Freedom in Perspective with Douglas Farrow

Freedom in Perspective with Douglas Farrow

"Jesus Christ is the archetype of loving, responsible freedom"

Welcome to Episode 2 of A Biblical Frame.

In light of the worldwide wide ‘trucker’ protests and convoys that are calling out for freedom, we felt it pertinent to discuss freedom from a biblical and theological perspective.

We are very thankful to have Douglas Farrow, Professor of Theology and Ethics at McGill University in Montreal join for this discussion.

“We may think that when following pandemic rules we love our neighbour and we preserve, at least, the freedom of gathering for worship. In effect, however, we have already given up freedom because our choice is no longer linked to truth. Are we surprised that division and hatred have seeped into our churches over the mandates? Calling compliance an act of love that is bereft of truth leads to division. True Christian discipleship requires us to hold together freedom, love, and truth and only when we do that can we follow Christ freely and responsibly.” - Jens Zimmermann

Please leave a comment below if you have a question and share this with anyone who you think will benefit.

Later this week we will send another update with the full video of the podcast. In light of the news coming from Ottawa this morning we wanted to get this podcast out as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading A Biblical Frame: Covid in Perspective. This post is public so feel free to share it.


Thank you for listening. Our hope and prayer is that these episodes, however sporadic they come, benefit you and benefit the bride of Christ.


Hans Boersma, PhD, Saint Benedict Servants of Christ Chair in Ascetical Theology, Nashotah House Theological Seminary

Jens Zimmermann, PhD, J.I. Packer Chair of Theology, Regent College

Ivan DeSilva, MDiv, ThM, Instructor in Religious Studies, Trinity Western University, Pacific Life Bible College

Douglas Farrow, Professor of Theology and Ethics, McGill University


Greg Gerber, EdD, Associate Dean, Instructional Technology, NYIT

Curtis Meliefste

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A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
Welcome to A Biblical Frame. This is a spontaneous project that arose from a group of pastors and theologians who recognized the great need for theological direction for Christ’s church in Canada.
Canada has faced totalitarian restrictions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. While there may have been a time to acquiesce to the provincial health officers, that time is coming to an end and the church needs help.