A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
A Biblical Frame: Current Events in Perspective
Resistance in Perspective with Michael Rectenwald
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:21:12

Resistance in Perspective with Michael Rectenwald

"Resistance does not mean revolution."

Welcome to Episode 3 of A Biblical Frame. Today we take up the topic of resistance.

It is shocking how much Canada (and the world) can change in the 3 weeks since our last episode and simultaneously stay the same.

Trudeau has dealt with the “fringe minority” in Ottawa, Russia has invaded Ukraine, provinces and territories across Canada have begun to lift restrictions and yet the church is still being torn apart by restrictive covid policies. Pastors, priests, and parishioners everywhere are wondering if and when Christians ought to resist them. 

“So why do we resist? Well, we resist not only to push back the evil, and immediate harms that go with it, but we also resist the evil things sinful people do as a loving warning to them in order to win back sinners for God. Issuing warning to those who think they will be able to escape from the inescapable God is a form of love. This is why the prophets thunder with words and actions of resistance; because to resist in this way is a form of love.” - Ed Gerber

In this episode we welcome back Douglas Farrow and host Michael Rectenwald as a special guest. You will hear some prepared thoughts from each host as well as free-flowing conversation. To read more from Douglas or Michael please click the links below.

Douglas Farrow’s Anarchy from Above: Part 1Part 2, & Part 3

Michael’s Living in the Age of Covid: "The Power of the Powerless

Thank you for listening. Please share this with anyone who you think might benefit. The mission of A Biblical Frame is to offer theological and Biblical insight into the effects of Covid policies on the life of the church.



Jens Zimmermann, PhD, J.I. Packer Chair of Theology, Regent College

Ivan DeSilva, MDiv, ThM, Instructor in Religious Studies, Trinity Western University, Pacific Life Bible College

Douglas Farrow, Professor of Theology and Ethics, McGill University

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D, Chief Academic Officer at American Scholars; Former NYU Professor; and author of eleven books, including Thought Criminal, Beyond WokeGoogle ArchipelagoSpringtime for Snowflakes, and others


Curtis Meliefste

Greg GerberEdD, Associate Dean, Instructional Technology, NYIT