Thank you for this discussion! Repentance so needed. So much fear in amongst the churches. Fear of man, fear of rules and mandates, fear of appearances over the fear of God. So difficult to participate in a church where the truth (of Covid, masking, v - ccines , lack of informed consent ) was not addressed. So many congregants still don't "see". Very isolating time ,still isolating as so few believers acknowledge we were all nudgesld, manipulated, lied to and 95% + Canadian churches participated .

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The plandemic was a time of testing for the church which scored a failing grade in about 90% of cases. The church was captured by the fear propaganda just as easily as those who did not know God. Their blind compliance with profoundly unscriptural government mandates revealed not only a poor understanding of scripture, but of a profoundly weak faith in God. So one wonders how many churches have now seen the error of their ways, and repented? Will they be any wiser with the next pandemic? The people of God are supposed to be the conscience of the nation. They are supposed to be the salt and light that reveals and opposes evil. They should exemplify godly courage and thus be immune to the manipulating effects of fear propaganda, which is such a powerful tool of control. The sad conclusion from COVID-19 is that the majority of Christians and churches are no different from the world.

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